
Terms of use for CAD services

Terms of use for CAD services
Last updated: August 25, 2024

Requirements for the production of CAD drawings

Free! does not take on any planning activities. The services described below for the production of drawings can only be implemented if the following requirements have been submitted by the customer in an appropriate form:

• Clear presentation: The facts to be drawn must be presented in an easy-to-understand form.

• Clarity: Only clear and clearly defined facts are implemented.

Note: Analogies or conclusions arising from building geometry or other planning conditions are only taken into account at the written request of the customer or through an on-site inspection.

• Scale: The illustrations are generally on a scale of 1:100.

• Abstraction: The displayed elements are abstracted, and deviations from the DIN-compliant presentation may occur.

Presentations offered if requirements are met

• Surface design and layout of outdoor facilities

• Connection to public transport areas

• Transport facilities

• Simplified presentation of façade surfaces

• roof slopes and shapes

• Roof structures and chimneys (exact dimensions only when measured, otherwise schematically)

• Representation of the outer contours of walls, floors and ceilings

• Symbolic presentation of:

• stairs, ramps, shafts, elevators, escalators

• Attachments such as light wells, canopies, balconies, bay windows

• Exposed installations and fixed objects

• Sanitary objects and industrial equipment

• Dimensioning

Additional services (to be ordered separately)

• Ceiling deflections, floor slopes, wall inclinations and deformations

• Designation of building materials and colors

• Clamping directions of ceilings in the floor plan

• Floor plan deviations from right angles

• Presentation of adjacent buildings

• Roof slopes and shapes of neighboring buildings

• cornices, walls and paneling

• Presentation of operational systems, e.g. for wastewater, water, heating, gas, electricity, air conditioning, ventilation in accordance with DIN EN 12792, solar energy in accordance with IEC TR 261836, wind and hydropower, electrical engineering in accordance with DIN EN 61082, sanitation in accordance with ISO 4067-2 (symbolic representation)

• Presentation of structural damage

• References to previous construction conditions and uses

• Rental and residential rights, window rights, walking, driving and management rights

• Dimensions of:

• Sinks and septic tanks

• roof slopes and overhangs

• Dimensions of roof structures, trusses, cornices, walls, stairs, ramps, shafts, chimneys and projections and recesses

• Permanently installed objects

• Angle information for angles that are not right (for larger deviations and out-of-angle designs)

Required information depending on plan type

• Sanitary and kitchen symbols: Information on sanitary objects and kitchen utensils must either be displayed symbolically or added by hand.

• Doors and windows: Positions and serving directions must be clear from the templates.

• Walls: Information about structural changes or new walls must be clearly marked.

• Use of space: Every use of space (e.g. bathroom, kitchen, living) must be clearly entered in the plans.

• Furniture: Furniture is presented according to standard symbols if there are no specific requirements.

• Logo: A logo must be uploaded when the order is placed and is positioned accordingly.

• North arrow: A unique north direction must be marked in the template.

• Meter bar: Requires at least one room dimension in the template.

Character standards:

• DIN formats: Drawings must be submitted on defined paper sizes (e.g. A3, A2).

• Title block: Title pages must contain basic project information.

• Scale: By default, the 1:100 or 1:50 scale is used.

• Layout: Each floor must be drawn in a separate file.

• Font: use of “Arial”, texts parallel to the wall clockwise.

• Line styles: Minimal variety of line types, continuous and closed polylines.

• Hatching and materials: Walls must be provided with continuous hatching, color coding for various uses.

• Room numbers and names: Each room must have a unique number and, if available, the corresponding name.

• Layers: Only use layers when they are actually being used; not empty layers.

• Measurements and measurement chains: Measurements must be given in meters, with a maximum of two decimal places.

• Hatches and colors: Hatches should be adjusted to the size of the cut surface.

• Symbols: Use simple geometric shapes and polylines

• Stair illustrations: Stairs are planned and drawn in accordance with the requirements of DIN 18065.

• DWG standard: The data exchange takes place via the DWG AutoCAD interface.

CAD program incompatibilities

CAD drawings can only be created flawlessly if the software used by the customer meets current technical requirements. The customer is responsible for updating their software to the latest version. Problems caused by using outdated software versions can be solved by Free! cannot be fixed.

Paper to CAD - convert inventory plans into CAD

General requirements for vectorization

The plans must be scanned.

Standard performance vectorization

The following restrictions are considered standard services and must be accepted by the client as proper performance:

• Geometric implementation: The plan is transferred one-to-one to CAD as far as possible, based on the geometric representation of the lines.

• Conversion restrictions: A full conversion is not guaranteed. There may be technical discrepancies between the conversion data and the original data.

• Implementation area: Only representations within the plan framework are implemented.

• Texts: Texts are recorded and displayed, but they are not part of the service. Deviations from the original text may occur and will not be corrected.

• Dimensional deviations: Despite great care, discrepancies may occur between the finished CAD drawing and the original. This may be due to errors in the original document, distortions during scanning, or dimensional differences due to manual adjustments.

• Missing dimensions: If there are no or incomplete dimensions in the plan, the drawings are implemented using the original dimensions. No measures are calculated by addition or other mathematical operations.

• Individual plan implementation: Only a single plan can be implemented with dimensional accuracy at a time. Dimensional connections to other plans cannot be established, especially in the case of superimposed floor plans.

• Color conversion: The colors in the original plans can only be roughly implemented in CAD.

Vectorizing land use plans

Requirements for vectorizing land use plans

• The digital corridor map must be available as a DWG or DXF file.

Standard performance Vectorize land use plan

The following restrictions are considered standard services and must be accepted by the client as proper performance:

• The restrictions mentioned in Vectorize standard performance apply.

• Implementation according to legend: Only the legally binding content and presentations of the plans in accordance with the legend are implemented within the scope of application.

• Unimplemented elements: Contour lines and tree symbols are not vectorized.

• Scope: Only representations within the scope are implemented.

• Differential data: Only the difference data for the digital corridor map is drawn. Lines and objects that are already included in the digital corridor map are not vectorized but transferred directly to the drawing.

• Buildings: Buildings are only taken over from the digital corridor map.

Additional services Vectorize land use plan

Additional services can be provided by written agreement and for a separate fee:

• Draw out-of-scope representations.

• Drawing of message statements.

• Drawing representations of the green plan within the land use plan.

• Customize colors.

• Create individual layer assignments.

premium performance

By written agreement and for a separate fee, a premium service can be provided:

• The plan is adapted as much as possible to the digital corridor map.

Vectorizing development plans

Requirements for vectorizing development plans

• The digital corridor map must be available as a DWG or DXF file.

Standard service vectorize development plans

The following restrictions are considered standard services and must be accepted by the client as proper performance:

• The restrictions mentioned in Vectorize standard performance apply.

• Implementation according to legend: Only the legally binding content and presentations of the plans in accordance with the legend are implemented within the scope of application.

• Unimplemented elements: Contour lines and tree symbols are not vectorized.

• Scope: Only representations within the scope are implemented.

• Differential data: Only the difference data for the digital corridor map is drawn. Lines and objects that are already included in the digital corridor map are not vectorized but transferred directly to the drawing.

• Buildings: Buildings are only taken over from the digital corridor map.

Additional services vectorize development plans

Additional services can be provided by written agreement and for a separate fee:

• Draw out-of-scope representations.

• Drawing of message statements.

• Drawing representations of the green plan within the development plan.

• Customize colors.

• Create individual layer assignments.

premium performance

By written agreement and for a separate fee, a premium service can be provided:

• The plan is adapted as much as possible to the digital corridor map.

Vectorize additional services

Additional services can be provided by written agreement and for a separate fee. These services must be agreed upon before the assignment; there is no entitlement to these additional services after the assignment. Additional services include:

• Transformation of planhead and legend.

• Create individual layer assignments.

• Create surfaces using closed polylines.

• Text entry and creation of room and area stamps.

• Save to CD-ROM

• Plot.

• Use settings for client layer names, line weights, and drawing styles.

• Adapting to the client's color requirements.

• Provide test files.

• Save to other data formats.

• Pick-up and shipping.

3D models - creating 3D drawings

We create 3D building models for specialist planners, architects and building owners. These models include exact dimensions, areas, volumes, and other specific properties. All necessary plans, such as views, sections, floor plans and perspectives, can be derived from the 3D CAD models.

3D building models created by us:

• Serve as a basis for further processing in BIM.

• Can be executed in various LODs (Levels of Detail).

• Form the basis for photorealistic representations through renderings.

LOD - Level of Detail - detailed presentation in 3D models

Our 3D models are classified according to four different display types (LOD):

• LOD 100: For simple mass models.

• LOD 200/300: Standard for exporting in IFC format and for data exchange.

• LOD 400: Only possible based on inventory plans that contain this information and are transferred to the 3D model.

Benefits of our 3D models:

• Reliable basis for further processing.

• IFC format for flexible reuse.

• Compatible with leading energy computing software solutions.

• Adapted level of detail (LOD) specifically for energy calculations.

• Tested and verified for use with Hottgenroth (HottCAD) and E-CAD (Cascados) for seamless integration.

Specifications for importing into E-CAD

Good quality IFC models can be provided for work in E-CAD. All parts of the “shell” (walls, windows, doors, roof, ceilings) can be imported correctly. The 3D model is modeled in a simplified 3D representation, which does not contain any fixed installations and systems, but only the building envelope. The representation of the interior walls is optional and is not included in the basic model.

Attention: Due to problems with the IFC interface, stairs, wall openings, skylight windows and curtain walls are not correctly recognized. We provide an Excel spreadsheet with full information about these items so that they can be considered correctly.

As Built Services

Preparation of CAD drawings for surveying work


The services described below for the production of CAD drawings can only be implemented if:

• Free! has recorded the local requirements, or

• The customer has provided the necessary information in an appropriate form.

The appropriate form must present the facts to be drawn in a clear and comprehensible manner. Only clear facts are implemented. Analogies or conclusions arising from building geometry or other planning conditions will only be made upon written request from the customer or through an on-site inspection by Free! considered. The representations are generally on a scale of 1:100 and are presented in abstract form. All dimensions are calculated orthogonally from the building and presented orthogonally.

standard services

Provided that the above conditions are met, the following drawing contents are offered:

• Surface design and layout of outdoor facilities

• Connection to public transport areas

• Transport facilities

• Simplified presentation of façade surfaces

• roof slopes and shapes

• roof structures, chimneys (exact dimensions only when measured, otherwise schematic)

• external contours of walls, floors and ceilings

• Symbolic depiction of stairs, ramps, shafts, elevators, escalators

• Symbolic display of attachments such as light wells, canopies, balconies, bay windows

• Symbolic depiction of exposed installations and fixed objects

• Symbolic presentation of sanitary objects and industrial equipment

Dimensions: When displayed, deviations from the DIN-compliant presentation are possible.

Additional services (to be ordered separately)

• Ceiling deflections, floor slopes, wall slopes

• Designation of building materials and colors

• Clamping directions of ceilings in the floor plan

• Floor plan deviations from right angles

• Presentation of adjacent buildings

• Roof slopes and shapes of neighboring buildings

• cornices, walls and paneling

• Presentation of operational systems (waste water, heating, gas, electricity, air conditioning, ventilation) in accordance with DIN EN 12792

• Presentation of structural damage

• References to previous construction conditions and uses

• Rental and residential rights, window rights, walking, driving and management rights

Control measurements


Planning documents are available in CAD format.

Control measurements

• The rooms are checked on site for compliance with the existing plans.

• Relevant objects are identified to check the dimensional accuracy and checked using suitable surveying methods.

• Room lengths and widths are measured within a tolerance range of ± 5.0%; for small rooms, deviations of 5 cm in length and width are permitted.

• The built reality is randomly compared with the CAD plans. Changes within the tolerance range do not result in adjustments to CAD plans. Larger deviations require additional measurement, which is not part of the standard service.


The client must ensure that the rooms are freely accessible. Inaccessible rooms are not measured, but are still billed at an approximate value. Only parts of the building that are directly connected to the building are recorded. Garages and outbuildings are paid separately.

Measurement and documentation of the building stock


• Rooms to be measured must be freely accessible, unobstructed and accessible.

standard services

• Preparation of floor plans in orthogonal line drawing on a scale of 1:100.

• Structural damage, faults and deflections are not included.

• Dimension contains the actual dimensions that exist. The DIN 1356-6 parts apply. All dimensions are calculated orthogonally from the building and presented orthogonally.

Excluded services, if not explicitly offered:

• Site plan M 1:500

• Sections, views

• Views showing the course of the terrain

• Photography and metrological documentation

Additional services (to be ordered separately)

• Reduction of dimensional tolerance below 5%

• Print on paper (plot)

• Create PDF files

• Preparation of a room book and documentation

• Preparation of a site plan, views, sectional drawings

• 3D representations, renderings, animations

• Research on property information, building loads, land register entries, etc.

Product Add Ons


Georeferencing Requirements

The plans are available scanned. Reference objects are required for georeferencing. There are either coordinates entered on the plans or cadastral maps are available, either in scanned form with coordinates or in the form of digital GIS data in AutoCAD DWG format.

Georeferencing standard performance

The affine transformation is offered with 4 vertices of plans already available in grid form based on existing coordinates.

Georeferencing additional services

Free! provides, in particular, the following additional services by appointment within the framework of existing technical and operational options for a separate fee, which is based on the applicable price list:

• Using the digital corridor map as a reference object

• Using alternative reference objects for georeferencing

• Trapezoid transformation with at least 10 points

• Trapezoid transformation with at least 15 points

• Trapezoid transformation with at least 20 points

• Trapezoid transformation with any number of points


Scanning Requirements

The plans are available rolled or folded on transparent films or in paper form. The plans show little or no damage; cracks or holes in particular are professionally glued. There are no metal clips or parts that prevent paper entry on or on the plans. If the planning documents exceed the width of approx. 1.05 meters, the plans can only be scanned when the planning documents are cut. Cutting is charged according to effort. Offers are only binding for DIN sizes. Oversized plans or plans that cannot be processed with a feed scanner for the above or other reasons are billed on an hourly basis. Unless otherwise agreed, the price lists apply to scanning in their current version.

Standard scanning performance

Depending on the template, the planning documents are scanned in color or in grayscale or black and white. By default, the resolution is 300 dpi.

Free! provides, in particular, the following additional services by appointment within the framework of existing technical and operational options for a separate fee, which is based on the applicable price list:

• Remove metal clips or similar objects

• Plus size scanning

• Cutting oversized planning documents

• Professional gluing of cut planning documents

• Test scans to determine optimal settings

• Save to other data formats

• Label scans according to information on the planhead

• Save to a CD-ROM or DVD

• Collection and dispatch of planning documents


Money back guarantee

Free! offers a 10-day money-back guarantee. The customer's claim to the provision of this warranty service is subject to the following conditions:

a) The customer has identified significant deficiencies.

b) The customer has clearly and completely described these significant deficiencies and illustrated them with screenshots for better traceability and within 10 days of providing the link to download the results in text form to Free! shared.

c) Free! was unable to remedy the defect by two attempts within a reasonable period of time.

d) The customer has Free! assisted in resolving the problem through appropriate activities.

e) The customer has described in text form why the defect still exists and proves that the partial results are not used by the customer even in the defect-free parts of the work.

f) Suggests the defect-free provision of services, for reasons that Free! is responsible, finally fails, the customer may reduce the remuneration by a reasonable amount or withdraw from the part of the service affected by the defect.

30-day satisfaction guarantee

Free's 30-day satisfaction guarantee! only valid for monthly subscriptions. As part of this policy, the purchase of a monthly Free! -Subscriptions are eligible for a full refund if requested no later than 30 days after the original registration date. This does not apply to renewals. We reserve the right to refuse any refund.

Quality guarantee

We take a very high level of care to create your inventory plans accurately and, if necessary, according to your specifications. Through integrated quality assurance processes, we ensure continuous excellence in results.

a) Valid when converting paper plans into CAD: You will receive highly accurate CAD files, which correspond to approximately 98% of the geometric results of the templates. Should you still not be satisfied with the results delivered, we will rework your files until their quality meets your requirements.

Deadline guarantee

You will usually receive your plans on the agreed date. You can tell us your preferred delivery date when you request an individual offer from us. After checking our capacities, we will be happy to meet your delivery requirements.

In the event of delays caused by quality assurance processes, the delivery date is extended according to the time required for post-processing. As a rule, the customer is informed of this by e-mail.

Price guarantee


The performance is comparable

We guarantee not only the highest quality, but also the best price. We make this possible through continuous optimization and development of our processes. If you have a cheaper offer with comparable performance, please send it to us. We will then provide you with an offer with a discount of our choice on the price available to you.